Sunday, March 22, 2009

A New Picture of Me

I am so beautiful. Finally, my almost unbearably attractive face is revealed to the general public.

I was having a spasam of weirdness right there, sorry about that. I'm still devilishly handsome.

New Website!

I made a website but it's not the one I've told you I was making. It's a cheesy little thing, but it has forums, so for at least right now, use those and ignore the other one. Here's the web address:

Oh, and by the way, now there are 39 Posts! Amazing.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Now and Later Thing Update (see "New Package of Little Now and Later Thingies")

I just opened the Apple flavored package and there are actually four individual Now and Laters in there, but each is wrapped in plain wax paper instead of the normal wrapper.

Yogo Gyp

I just opened a package of these sour Yogos and they only gave me three greens, which are the best and sourest flavor. What a ripoff.

New Package of Little Now and Later Thingies

Yesterday I bought like this pack of Now and Laters but they were actually bars that are worth like four Now and Laters each and there were eight in the package, and they were all different flavors. Here's a list of them in rainbow order....

Peach Smash

and in alphabetical

Peach Smash

So since one bar is worth four regulars, and there's eight bars, that means there's....let's see, four times eight....thirty two! Thirty two Now and Laters! Eight different flavors! AND.....I bought it at the 99 cents store!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Favorite Color

Here's my favorite color: John Smith Weirdy
By the way, did you know that yellow is the favorite color of most insane people?

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Well, actually, happy St. Patrick's Day! Hmph. So there. Orange. What're you going to do about it?

Pee-Scented Cleaner Still Remains

It's been five days since my dad used that awful spray cleaner that smells like pee. (see Pee-Scented Bathroom Cleaner) and the smell still remains. This is horrible!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Dust in Floppy Disk Drive

Last night I pushed open the little door on my floppy disk drive and looked in for no particular reason at all, and saw piles and piles of dust. Huge mounds, about a half inch high in some places! I want so bad to clean it! Every time I think about it, I feel like somebody's tickling me from the inside of me and I want to clean all the dust off SO BAD!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

Added Benefit of my Blog

Another good thing about having a blog is that I can do this when my mom tells me to practice my typing, instead of using that dumbhead typing program. Ha ha. Take that, Typing Instructor Deluxe!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pee-Scented Bathroom Cleaner

Today my dad used a cleaner, you know, from a spray bottle, like Windex, and the stuff smells EXACTLY like old, stale, pee. This horrendous spray is called "X·14 Oxy Citrus" They say it smells like citrus fruit but this is a completely false claim. It smells like pee. My dad used it in the morning, and you can still smell it in the bathroom and also in my parents' bedroom, where my dad used it on the computer keyboard. If you ever see this, don't buy it. Remember, "X·14 Oxy Citrus" cleaner.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Suspicious-Looking Lady at School

Today a woman was sighted that looks suspiciously like Count Olaf. She had the same large, curving nose, long chin, glinty eyes, and get this: she had painted-on eyebrows! Count Olaf must have shaved off his unibrow and painted on eyebrows. This is not a joke. I really saw this lady. She looked just like him.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fingajinga Forums

Guess what I now have a FORUM that's really weird! You're thinking now, "Oh, great, first this demented blog pops up, then he tells us he's working on a website, and now a forum! What will become of us?!" But don't worry; here's the web address of it so you'll know not to go there:

Rottwilers (And Other Equally Horrid Dogs)

Rottwilers are horrible. They are vicious and mean and awful and bloodthirsty. They like to maul people. I hate rottwilers. They're ugly, too. Also ugly and mean are pitbulls. Pitbulls are very very ugly as well as being vicious. Also bulldogs, of course. Bulldogs win first prize for hideousness. I think all theese dogs--rottwilers, pitbulls, bulldogs--should be completely wiped off the face of the earth (Along with purple-striped jellyfish). Do you have a rottwiler? Hate mail to the usual address, please.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sock Problems Resolved (See "Not Enough Socks")

Well, my mom found out from my blog that I'd been wearing socks dug out of the hamper, and bought me some new ones (Maybe she didn't like me wearing dirty socks? I don't know, that seems pretty far-fetched, but I can't think of any other explaination. Can you? Email me.) Anyway, she bought me some new socks, which are fine except they "HANES", you know, like on underwear waistbands? Except this is on the bottom, right behind the toe, in theese huge big blue letters, and it's so big and fat it bothers my foot. Oh, well. Whatever.

MILESTONE: 26 Posts!

Cayenne Pepper in Scrambled Eggs

Sometimes my dad will put cayenne pepper in scrambled eggs and I hate it. I like cayenne pepper in some things, but I DO NOT LIKE IT IN EGGS!!! Grrrrrr.

Baked Potatoes

I had a baked potato for dinner today. I put butter and salt and pepper and cheese on it and then I ate it, even the skin. Before, I didn't like mashed potatoes or baked potatoes but then I learned that if you don't put gravy on my mashed potatoes it makes them way better so then I liked mashed potatoes, and would even try to mash up my baked potato into a mashed one, by mashing it. But then suddenly, and without warning, I stopped liking mashed potatoes. Then one day my mom made me eat a baked potato and I liked it. So that's the real story behind all the folklore and legends.

Fountain Accomplishments

There's this fountain in the backyard that was filled with glarkeeshnarkee (FreakenLakinDookinFlakin word for mucky, brown, water that has algae and rotten leaves and all kinds of garbage and sludge in it) so me and some other weirdo dumped it out and hosed it down, the whole thing, and then a beautiful mosiac appeared when all the garbage was gone. So then we set it up again and fixed the pump (well, plugged it in), and filled it water and now there's a nice little fountain in the backyard. Yay.

p.s. I'm sorry I didn't do anything on the blog in so long. I'm so ashamed....