Friday, November 20, 2009


I hate algebra!!! Blargafarga!

A Duck's Quack

A duck's quack never echoes. And nobody knows why.

Hitler's Mother

Here's a picture of Adolf Hitler's mother. It speaks for itself.

The Prince of Wales

Here he is:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Most Awesome Thing.....

Coming Soon.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I can't sign in to my website. I forgot my username and password. Poop.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Adventures of John Smith Weirdy Chapter 3

The Adventures of John Smith Weirdy

Chapter 3
As you remember, we had reccently gone to my great-grandmother's house, because Mr. Erickson told us to. She gave us hot chocolate, (my great-grandmother, not Mr. Erickson) and then we both jumped up on her knobby back and started off across the endless desert. Just then, my mom came running after us, being pursued by an enourmous tarantula. She hopped on too and we galloped across the sands. Suddenly, the wooden cheerio flew down and whapped the tarantula on his butt. It gave a blood-curdling moooooooooooooooo! and hopped away. The cheerio followed us at close distance as we neared our house. My dad picked up seven small porta-potties as we wnt along, but there was nothing to throw them at. No matter. We were almost to our residence. But there was one last obstacle between us a our humble abode: a poopball.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

