Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thoughts on Breakfast

All those cereal boxes always say "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and all that. They say it gives you thinking power for school. Energy. All kinds of stuff. But why should we trust them? They want to sell their dumb cereal to make more dough so what do you think they're going to say? "Breakfast is not important at all." ? Breakfast is a hoax. And so are all the other meals. I never get hungry at lunch or dinner. Instead of "Breakfast" when you wake up, "Lunch" in the middle of the day, and "Dinner" in the early evening, we should have these mealtimes: "Floco" at around 10:00 a.m., "Slataboo" at about 3:30 p.m., and "Vorvavoota" right before bed. That's when I get hungry.

p.s. you might think "Brunch" would be a better name for "Floco", but you see, "Brunch" is a combination of "Breakfast" and "Lunch", and we're completely eliminating any traces of those. So that's why we use "Floco", which literally means "Middle of the morning" in FreakenLakenDookinFlakin, the official national language of Weirdo Land.

p.p.s. "Slataboo" means "afternoon euphoria", and "Vorvavoota" means "nighty-night-night-night-night."

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