Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Adventures of John Smith Weirdy

Since so many people have been asking, "Who is John Smith Weirdy? Where does he come from?" and other similar questions, I--well....maybe not that many people....or....well, hardly any....well actually, to be honest, nobody asked any questions, but still, I'm going to write about my adventures in Weirdo Land (where I live). So here is....

The Adventures of John Smith Weirdy
Chapter 1
One day, I was walking along the Abnormaly Neon Green Stream, when I spotted a man hopelessly tangled in a mess of hardened ginger ale remnants. I walked over to help him, but as soon as I came within a yard of the man, a giant Gukko bird descended and handed me a pair of chrome silver pajamas. Naturally, I went behind a bush to change into them. When I came back, the man and the bird were gone. "Too bad" I thought, as I ate my underwear. "They were such a nice couple." As soon as a finished the hole, I immediately jumped in and waited for something to happen. All of the sudden, a ten-foot-long dark blue rat appeared out of the buttonhole of my pajamas. "I should have known something like this would happen," I muttered to myself as a desperately attempted to bite my butt. Finally, the rat spoke. "Shoooooooooooooooooooooooooobooboo. Yeah." he said, then lunged at me with a can of Play-Doh in his hand. Just in time, my dad came along and, with his amazing weirdness powers, (seriously, he's like ten times weirder than me) scared the rat away. "Mraaaaaauuuck! Woaaaang! Maaaaaaog! Rhaaq!" my dad said, with his upper lip extended almost past his nose. "Uhhhhh... sure. Yeah. C'mon lets go back to your" He scares me sometimes.
End of Chapter 1 Yes

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